State Symbols

Texas, Our Texas

TEKS: 4.14B sing or recite “Texas, Our Texas”

4.14C recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge to the Texas Flag

Social Studies Objective: We can sing or say the lyrics to our state song, “Texas, Our Texas.”

Proof: We can prove we met our objective by singing or saying the song with a group or on our own.




Tell the students about how our song was written and picked (see here for info). Then, we practice singing a couple of times as a big group. Then, I allow students to decide if they want to sing the song or just say it. Many time I end up with two groups only: one that sings and one that says. After we sing it a few times on the first day, I give them some time in class to practice. Then, later in the week, the student groups perform. If I’m in a big hurry, I just skip that altogether and we sing it together.