Mexican American War

The Mexican American War


4.3 E

explain the events that led to the annexation of Texas to the United
States and the impact of the U.S.‐Mexican War

Social Studies Objective:

We can understand the events of the Mexican American War.

We can prove we met our objective by listening to the lesson and completing a turn and talk.

power point

I created this video and handout during the Pandemic. I don’t know how I will use these in the future, but you are welcome to use them if you need them.

Mexican American War Video

Vocabulary: territory, Manifest Destiny


Why do you think Mexico was so worried about America?  Do you think they should have been?  Why do you think this isn’t a war that people talk about very much?  How was Texas impacted

Use the Mexican American war power point to give students an overview of the war, using the questions above to discuss. I realize the “lecture”method isn’t something that is the preferred method by many in education today. However, if you just read The Boy in the Alamo to your class, you will find that they have learned how to sit and listen. I am always amazed how students are so often so interested in history once they truly begin to see that it is about real people. Again, I usually just spend about fifteen minutes on this lesson. This one give me a lot of guilt because I do feel like this is a war that doesn’t get the spotlight it should.

I don’t think you could count the numbers of books and movies about the Civil War, WWI, or WWII. I do ask my students why they think this war is not talked about as much. In my opinion, it is because it is hard to glorify the actions of American in this war.

I do include the story of Chapultapec. If that is a story that you aren’t familiar with, you can find some information here.