
American Government

TEKS: NONE. This is a basic review of the branches of the American government that students learned last year. I have found that students sometimes don’t remember it. It makes it easier to teach Texas Government after a review of American Government.

Social Studies Objective: 

We can identify the branches of the US government. 

Proof: We can prove our objective by naming one of the branches as we leave.


Power point–video links embedded If you want a copy to edit to add your own representatives, just send me an email.

I recommend clicking on the video links ahead of time and opening in a new tab. The ads for these particular videos are not very kid friendly.

I made a video and a handout to use during the Pandemic. I haven’t used them in my actual classroom yet, but I feel like I will probably use them in the future as a center.

Three Branches Video

Vocabulary: government, branches, federal, representative, executive, judicial, legislative, checks and balances, bicameral


What are the benefits of having three branches? (the power isn’t concentrated in one area) What are the negatives? (it is harder to make laws/decisions) How does our Constitution protect us from bad leaders in one of the branches? (checks and balances)

Lesson: Use the slide show and video clips to teach (review) the three branches of government at the federal level.  Ask students to name one of the branches as they leave as a verbal ticket out.

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