Texas Revolution · Writing

The Runaway Scrape–Revision

Since I can’t get the stories I wrote about the people of the Revolution done fast enough, at this point I’m working on things that I personally need  for the rest of my Texas Revolution lessons.  I normally just gloss over the Runaway Scrape in a word or two in a short lesson, but this year I wanted to do a little better.  I created this revision passage for my students to work on in partners. I really do believe it helps to do some work like this with a partner and just talk out your reasoning. When partners finish, I will ask them to look for synonyms for letter.  So often my students just skip over words they don’t know in reading and writing passages and miss important messages in the essay. By looking for synonyms, this usually leads them to look up words they are unsure of.  I always offer prizes for groups that find all of the synonyms. For this passage, there are three: letter, message, and proclamation.

I usually only post things here that I have already used with my class.  I have never successfully written something the first time without my students finding at least one misstep.  Since I know you are all in a hurry too, I’m posting it before my students see it this time. If you see a mistake or find a question that is too difficult or confusing, please leave me a comment.  I will fix it and upload it correctly.

The Runaway Scrape (1)

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